Friday, July 31, 2009

"Ocean Thunder"

What a wonderful surprise. Ocean, my grandson from Oklahoma, has been on a month long Alaskan vacation with his mother. They were headed home and drove through where I live 'cause Ocean "wanted to see Nana". I certainly wanted to see him.We've always been close and in the short time he was here, we did the things he wanted to do... we stayed up late and ate chocolate ice cream, watched movies and ate pop corn...laughed, teased played jokes on Paw Paw... just generally had a lot of fun.
Ocean is "big brother" to Ziola. They don't live together and it had been a while since he had seen her. We went over and spent some time with Ziola. At first, she was a little leery but soon warmed up to him as the pictures show. Sadly, we won't see him again until December or's hard but we'll get through. I was bummed when he left, but know he needs to get back into his routine since school will start soon for him.

One more thing. Ocean has a very unique name. His first and middle names are "Ocean Thunder". Ocean, because of his parents love of the ocean and Thunder because he was born in a bad thunderstorm. At first it was hard to get use to, but now, he wouldn't be himself if he had been named anything different.

1 comment:

Libby@CookingWithLibby said...

Ketha...this is Libby...stopping by from SPFH. Great pics! I remember you posting about your grandson a couple of weeks ago. I'm so glad you were able to spend some time wtih him :) I know it must be hard to have to wait a few more months to see him again...but just think..before you know it, that time will be here :)