It's hard for me to believe that the summer is almost over. July was a busy busy month for my family. It started off with a VERY quick trip home to Oklahoma. We left July 3rd and returned July 7th. I went to see my oldest son and also to reconnect with childhood friends. There was other motives as well....Ted's, Braum's, Del Rancho...the list goes on and on. We even brought back two huge Black Diamond Watermelons, something we can't seem to find here in Vegas. On the way home, we called son #2 to check on the well being of our "soon to be" newest granddaughter, due the end of the month. He told us that she had been born, she weighed this and was that inches long. I was so upset then he told me he was just joking. BUT, later that evening, more like 1:30 AM..he called us again and said he "wasn't joking this time." Our "daughter-in-law" was in labor and she was at the hospital. I said it in quotes because they aren't married, but you wouldn't know that. We were more than 3 hours away, but quickly gathered our thoughts and drove home, straight to the hospital.
Ziola Rain was born July 7th at 11:09 AM. She weighed 7lbs and 5oz. She was early and even though her weight dictating otherwise, she had some problems. They rushed her to the NIC-Unit and she was there for 22 days. A very stressful time in our lives. But God does answer prayers and she's fine, home and doing well now. Her "big brother" Ocean came to see her on the 22nd and he's still here. Along with him, "Aunt Jan" came and spent a week with us. Needless to say, we're exhausted.
Now we are in the "rest mode"...planning on some fall camping trips and of course, going to see our "precious sweet pea" as often as we can...Life is wonderful, isn't it?
1 comment:
I never knew you could make jam from those plums! We had one of those trees when I was a kid and they were very messy...purple stuff all over the sidewalk. Although as a kid I used to love to step on them and make a mess!
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