When we moved to our home seven years ago, one of the requests I made was that I wanted my backyard as "lush" as possible....like an oasis in the hot desert. We got busy planning how we wanted the yard to look...Having a grape vine meant a lot to both my husband and myself. I can remember as a young girl, spending "hours" under the vine making my famous "mud pies"...."Only use the grapes on the ground" my dad would tell me. My husbands paternal side immigranted from Italy so you can figure how important "grapes" would be for him....

The first few years after planting, we got mostly foliage. There were a few grapes but the birds always beat us to them. Each year there after we got more and more fruit.

Now in the present...the economy is in havoc and many are returning to simplier ways. More and more are putting in gardens or doing container gardening. I've always known that the Lord would take care of us and He's proven his promise this year.

We noticed early that a lot of grapes had formed. We watched everyday, determined that the "birdies" wouldn't get them this year. We were prepared to take desperate measures if need be.... A week ago, we harvested a large mixing bowl full of the "fruit of the vine"... then this past weekend, we hit "pay dirt"... We got up early, to beat the heat, and harvested about 25 pounds of grapes!!! Mercy...now it's time to do more canning...Isn't it wonderful how we are blessed each day by the promises of God?
*Pictures are a sampling of our harvest... isn't it spectacular???